Chester Greenwood invented the first pair of earmuffs in 1873 at the age of 15. It was a cold winter day in Farmington, Maine, when Chester brought some fur and wire to his grandmother to fashion him some “ear protectors”. He was fiercely allergic to wool and couldn’t wear the normal knitted muffler that most kids wore to protect their ears.
When he was 18-years-old he got his ear protectors patented, and just 10 years after the first pair was made he was selling 30,000 a year! Imagine!
I think earmuffs are brilliant, and very stylish! I’ve always admired fur earmuffs but I’ve yet to come across a pair. So, I decided to make a pair myself!
I used a silver fox pelt given to me by a friend and I naturally dyed silk with cutch and logwood for the lining and band.
I found myself to be highly allergic to the pelt at first, and had to wear to protective gear in order to tolerate it. But tonight when I was doing the finishing touches I wasn't the slightest bit bothered by it! I guess my body just got used to it!
I'm hoping to have these earmuffs for sale at the Craft Council's Comfort and Joy exhibition which will be running from November 12th to December 19th!
Seeing as how it's one in the morning I should probably stop writing so that I can finish up my homework and get some SLEEP!
Sleep tight everyone.
Thanks for reading. :)