Sadly, I had to leave the fair a little early as I was feeling really sick with a killer headache and sore throat. I thought for sure I was coming down with some god-awful cold, but as it turns out I was just really sleep deprived (I was awake and working for 29 hours) because when I awoke after a long nights sleep I felt MUCH better. I crunched some numbers this morning and it turns out I did indeed make a profit, not a large one, but a profit all the same, so yayyyyy!
Here are a few pictures from the day...
Me at my booth :)
Billy at his booth selling his awesome wraps and cupcakes!
My Nan came by to see the doll that I made of her!
She is the sweetest.
Sets of four dinner napkins that I made. These three are still available! $15
My pin cushion rings! Made from recycled bottle caps. $9
Chantelle and Katelyn at their booth!
Katelyn made these precious handkerchiefs :)
Chantelle is a new momma and somehow found the time to make these beautiful items!
She's a machine!
These crocheted hair pieces were made by Miss Heather Jenkins!
and here is Heather at her booth :)
me at the very end of the day!
So I'm registering for my third semester of the Textiles: Craft, Apparel and Design program today. I have an extension on a few of my school projects so I've got quite the busy week ahead of me. Thanks to everyone who came to visit me at the fair yesterday, I love you all and appreciate the support so much!
peace and love